
Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

What Valentine's day means to me.


Say Hello to February, The Month of Love. And it’s few minutes till Valentine.

What does Valentine mean to you ? Is it always about Dinner, Roses, or Chocolate ?

Let's see valentine's day in a different way. If you're with me, please continue reading this.

God Has Created 4 kind of love.

First, AGAPE.

It's an unconditional dan sacrificial love. That's what Jesus has given to us. Have you ever tried to please him or even just grateful for his LOVE in every Valentine’s day? This should be your priority fellas. Be thankful for He was the one who loves us first, by sending his Son to redeem us.

Second, STORGE.

When everything goes wrong, I realized that my family will always be there for me no matter what. FAMILY is our precious treasure. Your Dad and Mom, Your Brother and Sister. In this Valentine's day, let them know how much you care about them. Cherish every single moment you had, while you can. Show your love =)

Third, EROS.

Unlike the previous kind of love, this one is different. I called it passionate love and could happen between you and your Girlfriend/BoyFriend. Eros is probably most what people mean when it comes to "I LOVE YOU" and Valentine.

As we all know, Spending valentine's day with your loved ones would be amazing. Perfect candle light dinner, a bouquet of roses. But besides those romantic-thingy, Valentine shouldn’t be celebrated only at February 14th. If you really love someone, everyday would be Valentine. Got what i meant ?

Last but not least, PHILIA.

We recognize PHILIA as a brotherly love. It's all about friendship. Yet sometimes,it can not provide a reliable fellowship since it is so dependent upon perception and circumstances.

So, Do i have to say "I LOVE YOU" to all my friends? NO.

Just simply forgive your enemies. Remember, Forgiveness is the BEST REVENGE.

Valentine's day is all about showing your love to everyone, and an absolute forgiveness.

That’s why God has created 4 different kind of love in our lives.

They are created differently, so they can make every single day of our life count.

Happy Valentine's Day.


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